Upcoming conversations.

Monday, October 21 |  4:00 - 5:30 p.m. E.T. 

Election Aftermath: C-Suite Strategies for Unprecedented Times

Conversation with Van Jones, U.S. media personality, entrepreneur, world-class change maker, Kim Seymour, former CHRO of Etsy and Weightwatchers, and Dr. Peter Coleman, Chief Scientist at Rapport and Professor at Columbia University

In an era of unprecedented political uncertainty, business leaders are bracing for a potentially protracted aftermath to the November 5th presidential election. As Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump vie for the nation's highest office, experts predict that a clear winner may not emerge for days, or even weeks, after the polls close. This looming ambiguity poses a unique challenge for C-Suite executives, who must navigate the delicate balance between maintaining business operations and addressing the inevitable anxiety permeating their workforce.

Politically driven workplace disruption is not unprecedented. In 2020, election-related tension and volatility led to productivity loss in 25% of employees, and conditions suggest this year could see even greater impact.

The upcoming Collective[i] Forecast session, in collaboration with Rapport, aims to equip top-tier leaders with the insights and strategies needed to steer their organizations through these turbulent waters. As the nation holds its breath, employees will be experiencing the stress of political uncertainty in real-time, both at home and in the workplace. This forecast will delve into the pragmatic challenges facing executives as they manage a workforce increasingly divided by political polarization.

We are blessed with three perspectives, Van Jones, Dr. Peter T Coleman, and Kim Seymour, who will answer community questions around:

  • How organizations should set realistic expectations about delayed election results while maintaining a sense of calm and clarity.

  • The best strategies to foster an environment where employees feel safe expressing their concerns, without allowing political tensions to escalate into workplace conflicts.

  • What are recommended action plans to address both external disruptions—such as potential social unrest or protests—and internal challenges that may arise from a politically charged atmosphere.

As the line between political and professional life continues to blur, the ability to navigate these uncharted waters may well become a defining factor in organizational success. The goal of this forecast is to provide C-Suite leaders, executives, and managers with the tools and knowledge they need to not only weather the storm but to emerge stronger, more resilient, and better prepared for the challenges that lie ahead in our ever-evolving political and business environment.

* We would like to acknowledge and thank the team at Rapport for their partnership to bring together and inform the Collective[i] Forecast community on this timely topic.

Van's bio.

Kim's bio.

Peter's bio.


Wednesday, October 23 |  3:30 - 5:00 p.m. E.T. 

Conversation with Orlando Bravo, Founder and Managing Partner of Thoma Bravo

More details to come soon.

Orlando's bio.


Wednesday, October 30 |  3:30 - 5:00 p.m. E.T. 

Will the Upcoming Election End Democracy?

Conversation with Robert Kagan, Bestselling Author and Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution

From George Washington to Woodrow Wilson, American leaders have referred to the United States as the "Great Experiment"—a bold attempt to create a government based on democratic principles, self-governance, and the rule of law, rather than monarchy or aristocracy. The success of this system, with power vested in the people through a written Constitution, checks and balances, and federalism, was far from guaranteed. The experiment was to see whether a nation could govern itself justly and effectively without descending into tyranny or chaos.

As America approaches a pivotal election, many are questioning whether this great experiment is nearing its end. Dr. Robert Kagan, a prominent historian, bestselling author, and foreign policy expert, will join Forecast to discuss the historical significance of the upcoming election and his latest book, Rebellion: How Antiliberalism Is Tearing America Apart — Again.

This discussion comes just days before Americans head to the polls, with many fearing unrest following the outcome. As a contributing columnist at The Washington Post and a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, Dr. Kagan has been a leading voice on these critical issues, offering a perspective that transcends partisanship.

Join us as Dr. Kagan answers community questions and shares his insights on the forces shaping the nation’s political landscape, America’s role on the global stage, and the rising tide of antiliberalism that he argues threatens the future of democracy.

Robert's bio.


Wednesday, November 6 |  3:30 - 5:00 p.m. E.T. 

A Post-Election Forecast: What just happened?

Conversation with David Simas, Former White House Political Director and Managing Director of Research and Impact at Emerson Collective

As the dust begins to settle after one of the closest and most consequential U.S. presidential elections in recent history, the questions will arise as to what this means for the future. David Simas, a seasoned political strategist with deep insights into voter behavior and campaign dynamics, is uniquely positioned to offer clarity during this uncertain time.

Simas served as the director of opinion research for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, where he played a key role in shaping the campaign's messaging strategy by analyzing voter attitudes and election data. Following this, he spent over two years as the White House Director of Political Strategy and Outreach, acting as a crucial liaison between President Obama and Democratic leaders across the country. Simas’s experience navigating high-stakes elections and understanding the intricacies of political campaigns gives him a rare perspective on the current political landscape.

In this Forecast, Simas will share his analysis of the immediate aftermath of this year’s presidential election, where razor-thin margins and delayed results may lead to uncertainty in the coming days. He will break down key voter behavior trends, explore the dynamics that shaped the campaign, and offer insight into possible scenarios for the weeks ahead. Simas will also take questions from the Forecast community, helping to interpret what the election outcome will mean not only for the next few days but for the next four years.

Join us for this timely and insightful conversation as we unpack one of the most unpredictable elections in American history.

David's bio.


Wednesday, November 13 |  3:30 - 5:00 p.m. E.T. 

Rewriting the Rulebook: Building Legal Systems for an AI-First World

Conversation with Gillian Hadfield, Canada CIFAR AI Chair at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Professor of Government and Policy and Professor of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University, economist, legal scholar and a computational social scientist

As AI technologies become more deeply embedded in everyday life, the challenge of creating legal systems that can keep pace has become increasingly urgent. How do we regulate the rise of intelligent machines while fostering innovation? 

Dr. Gillian Hadfield, a leading economist and legal scholar, has been at the forefront of addressing these questions. Formerly Senior Policy Adviser to OpenAI, Dr. Hadfield argues that traditional legal frameworks are no longer sufficient for managing the complexities of a world shaped by AI.

In this Forecast, Dr. Hadfield will discuss her work on developing new legal and regulatory models capable of addressing the ethical, social, and economic challenges posed by innovative technologies. From autonomous vehicles to AI-driven decision-making, she will explore how governments, businesses, and civil society can collaborate to create effective systems of governance that promote progress and reduce harm.

Join us and bring your questions for Dr. Hadfield about how our legal system can best adapt in the face of a rapidly evolving world.

Gillian's bio.


Tuesday, November 19 |  12:30 - 2:00 p.m. E.T. 

Can AI Rewrite History?

Conversation with Enrique Jiménez, chair in Ancient Near Eastern Literatures at LMU, co-founder and co-director of the “Cuneiform Commentaries Project," founder and PI of the “Electronic Babylonian Literature” project, and the winner of a 2017 Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

"What you seek, you shall never find."

This famous line from the Epic of Gilgamesh serves as a metaphor for the centuries-long effort to reconstruct this foundational text of ancient religion and heroic sagas. As one of humanity's earliest literary masterpieces, the Epic of Gilgamesh has remained incomplete, with scholars unable to fully piece together its story and deeper meaning due to looting and the dispersion of its surviving materials.

Now, Professor Enrique Jiménez is using artificial intelligence to achieve what scholars have pursued for over two hundred years: deciphering and reconstructing this fragmented, mysterious text. By leveraging AI, he is not only filling in the gaps left in the ancient writings but is also restoring lost narratives with remarkable precision. This groundbreaking work is reviving one of the world’s oldest stories, offering new insights into a civilization that has shaped much of human history.

The Epic of Gilgamesh tackles profound questions that resonate across time: How do we face our mortality? How should we live in the face of uncertainty? Through the use of AI, Professor Jiménez is helping to resurrect voices from the distant past, voices that grappled with the same existential questions we face today. These rediscovered texts are more than historical artifacts—they are dialogues with our ancestors, carrying insights that remain strikingly relevant in the modern world.

Join us as Professor Enrique Jiménez guides us through the intersection of AI and ancient philosophy. Discover how cutting-edge technology is breathing new life into lost texts and how these reconstructed stories invite us to rethink the fundamental questions of our own time. Bring your curiosity and questions about how AI is not just reconstructing the past but also helping us reimagine our present and future.

Enrique's bio.


Date to be announced

Conversation with Harvey Mason Jr, CEO of the Recording Academy® as well as a songwriter, music and movie producer, and founder of Harvey Mason Media

More details to come soon.

Harvey’s bio.


Date to be announced

From the end of segregation to the end of affirmative action: What’s next?

Conversation with Soledad O’Brien, Award-winning Documentarian, Journalist, Speaker, Author, Philanthropist, and Founder of Soledad O’Brien Productions

More details to come soon.

Soledad’s bio.


Date to be announced

Exploring Ethical AI with Friar Paolo Benanti, Professor of Ethics of Technology at Pontifical Gregorian University

Father Paolo Benanti is a distinguished professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he studies and teaches a unique blend of expertise in moral theology, ethics, and the complexities of modern technology. He has recently made worldwide headlines as the AI advisor to Pope Francis and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, calling for "human-centric" artificial intelligence.

Father Benanti's influence extends beyond academia to global discussions on the responsible development and deployment of AI. His role as a consultant to the Vatican, the pontiff, and the Italian government and his frequent engagements with Silicon Valley giants underscore his commitment to shaping ethical frameworks prioritizing human dignity and societal well-being in AI. Join us for a discussion on Father Benanti's perspective on the ethics and morality questions raised by advancements in artificial intelligence.


Date to be announced

Conversation with Demis Hassabis, Founder & CEO of DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs

More details to come soon.

Demis’ bio.